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She went on to study acting at the prestigious Drama Centre London, where she took part in 10 plays. Raffey Cassidy. Moment Italy's Giorgia Meloni has to grab Biden, 81, after he wandered away from group at parachute display Mother-of-the-bride sparks fierce controversy by wearing stunning gown to daughter's wedding What a difference a year makes! She has since retired in but remains one of the most immensely popular British pornstars on the tube sites. Ebony porn star, Jasmine Webb was born in London in and has been active in the adult film industry since Michael Flatley reveals the toxic renovation he fears made him ill Is Sophie Dee your number one? Honour could easily have chosen a job in the mainstream, but this raven-haired charmer is way too dick-crazy for that. You will find your favorite British porn stars here. Related Posts. The Most Beautiful British Actresses. She made her feature film debut in The Illusionist where she played Young Sophie.

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