Unsimulated sex scenes

Unsimulated sex scenes

Retrieved 20 March London: Wallflower. Archived 15 October at the Wayback Machine www. Melvin Van Peebles , who is almost entirely responsible for all creative aspects of the film, starred in the movie about an African-American man on the run from the white police. Prior to the advent of home video, a number of hardcore pornography films were released to mainstream cinemas. Retrieved 29 August Petersburg in Archived 4 March at the Wayback Machine movie-censorship. Vote arrow down. Archived from the original on 6 October It only achieved a level of auteur bona fides when the schlockmeisters at American International Pictures released a dubbed version in the U. Directed by Joe D'Amato this film, in its uncut Italian DVD version, contains hardcore shots of vaginal penetration by ping pong balls.

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