What states banned pornhub

What states banned pornhub

Prime Account Detected! Pornhub has already cut access to its content for anyone with a Utah-based IP address over a similar law. Speaking to USA Today, Alison Boden, executive director of the Free Speech Coalition, commented: "We are fighting not only for the rights of our members and the larger adult entertainment community, but for the right of all Americans to access constitutionally protected expression in the privacy of their own home. Comment about your rating Share your rating. What is Pornhub? Sign up. In Texas, companies cannot get away with showing porn to children. Read more. Earlier this month, the Supreme Court struck down a plea from the Free Speech Coalition to block an age verification law in Texas. While acknowledging the importance of age verification, Pornhub contends that these specified systems encroach upon user privacy and curtail free speech rights concerning adult content. Pornhub has restricted access in two more states in protest of continued nationwide state-level efforts to regulate online access to porn. More from Tech.

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