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This is a favourite moment because doing it was very fun, it did quite well, and it also now serves as a time capsule to me that I can always have of that specific few months window where I felt famous. Most Popular. Seeing the potential humor and an opportunity for exposure, [5] he created a performer account, and was soon a verified Pornhub model. Ryan Creamer has been posting videos of him doing lovely, fun things with the camera being the POV for his sweet date. The spontaneity of it was really fun, and something I would continue chasing in future videos. You must login or signup first! Retrieved July 24, Although Creamer admits that he started the channel largely as a bit that would hopefully lead to more opportunities in comedy, he says the response from porn stars and people working in the sex industry has been overwhelmingly positive. Please improve this section by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Sign up for our Newsletter. I had an idea for the first video…that was the only idea that I had," he said. The account gained national attention following a January 30th, tweet by silicondomme [3] which featured screenshots of multiple Creamer videos that gained over 44, retweets and , likes shown below, left.

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