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But that works for us. The world is in chaos , distressing stories are coming too quickly for us to keep up with, and we're spending our free time scrolling through bad news, bad takes, and endless amounts of covfefe. The strange thing is, you may well refer to them as being your perfect someone though. She is honest and then do you tell her to have phantasies of you only when she can't help herself or what if she says she respects you and can't bear to think of you that way? I don't think there is anything abnormal or immoral about having sexual fantasies even if the fantasies aren't about your partner or masturbating. G eorge. Mirage Naked Science Forum King! There was an error while thanking. I'm not so easy to live with either. This has happened before; he cuts back after I call him out on it, but the habit returns when life becomes stressful. He might be turning to porn because he already carries around some guilty feelings for his sexual needs, so any calling out is likely to compound that shame. For one who believes he does not want to be flawed in any setting either in a family, work, friendship or intimate relationship must accept and acknowledge that the parties involved must have flaws even if they decide to conceal it from one's observation.

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