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Or how it never turns out that politicians who pushed for persecution of gays are gay themselves. Pornhub does not outright oppose age verification but advocates for laws that require device-based age verification, which allows users to access adult sites after authenticating their identity on their devices. Channel Ars Technica. As one of the world's most popular adult platforms, Pornhub would surely be targeted for enforcement if found to be non-compliant, while smaller adult sites perhaps plagued by security risks and disincentivized to check IDs would go unregulated, the thinking goes. I've only bought porn twice - once a video and once a magazine full of naked men. High School Sports. First Amendment advocates and others pushing for freer expression have argued that children today carry the internet in their pockets and will find other ways to access porn. Lots of people are ready to have kids and have them. This is a very defeatist point of view. No, this is not possible. Missouri man was found bleeding to death at Grand Island area rest stop. Submit a Story Idea.

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