Cortana pornhub

Cortana pornhub

To make matters worse, each time I subsequently opened Cortana she shows my search history with "Show me porn" in it. Reply like a human, not like a bot. You can vote as helpful, but you cannot reply or subscribe to this thread. Let us work together Since Cortana can do maths, I asked her to "Show me pi" i. Peribanu, thanks for your post. Ask a new question. Report abuse. We understand this may affect the way you work, but there are new and exciting ways you can get help with your tasks, calendar, email, and more. It's not the browsing history in Internet Explorer, it's the Cortana question history that appears when you open Cortana. We recommend that you note these sites before you use the Reset Internet Explorer Settings feature However, If you are telling PI and Cortana opens prone websites, you can provide the feedback in the feedback app. Voice assistance in Outlook mobile and Microsoft mobile will also end in the fall of , however we will continue to support the Play My Emails feature in Outlook mobile.

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