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For Business. Amazon Advertising Find, attract and engage customers. Please sign in to provide feedback. Currently unavailable. By Joey Nolfi. Audible Download Audiobooks. We also block sellers who buy reviews and take legal actions against parties who provide these reviews. The View moderator welcomed her fellow Sister Act sisters as well as Sheryl Lee Ralph , who didn't play a nun in the film to the talk show Wednesday for a special 30th anniversary cast reunion, during which the actresses recalled going to a porn store to buy a sex toy while dressed in their habits. We block Amazon accounts that violate our Community guidelines. Get to Know Us. Whoopi Goldberg and her Sister Act 2 costars Kathy Najimy and Wendy Makkena got down to some sinfully funny business while wearing their nun costumes on a break from filming the comedy classic. The special 30th anniversary episode on The View also included a reunion with music supervisor Marc Shaiman and music producer Mervyn Warren, as well as many of the actors who played Goldberg's students in the class choir.

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