Joi dukes fox 5

Joi dukes fox 5

Leaders in Fort Valley work to solve longtime issue of trains blocking traffic February 25, Kemp tells republican voters they have more at stake now than ever before February 25, May 27, pm EDT. Deal announces emergency session to allot funding for hurricane relief aid February 25, She is an Atlanta native and a recent graduate of Florida State University. Construction underway on a second Tesla charging station in North Macon February 25, Local Events. After the toddler's body was found in a local garbage facility, police charged the man with murder. Her ties to the Atlanta area and broadcasting roots go deep as the daughter of former Atlanta Falcons player and veteran sports broadcaster Jamie Dukes. Water main break after storm in Bibb County leaves residents without water February 25, Baldwin Co. Early voting begins in Macon-Bibb with modest turn out February 25,

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